Wednesday, June 17, 2009

orientation ( 17th June)

Gosh i forgot to update my blog yesterday.. lols..I hope its not too late too update it now =] Orientation week in kdu is simply the best. Yesterday we had an important and educational talk about Edward de Bono's 6 Thinking Hats. At first, all of us thought that it is going to be boring but shockingly it was so interesting and trust me, it really helps alot! Edward de Bono is the father of lateral thinking and creativity. He's actually going to give a talk at the 14th International Conference of Thinking, next friday at KLCC. But since our classes are starting next week, don't tink i can make it :( Okay, let me give you guys more information about the 6 Thinking Hats. Basically, it helps alot in making choices and important decisions in life. The 1st Hat is the White Hat. White Hat is about facts, figures and informations. The 2nd Hat is the Black Hat which is about problems, risks, judgement (negative stuffs about something). The 3rd Hat is the Yellow Hat which is basically the opposite of the Black Hat. Yellow Hat is about the benefits, optimism. Next, the 4th Hat is the Green Hat which is like alternatives, options, choices. The Green Hat is the MOST POWERFUL hat! lols so beware of it haha. the 5th Hat is the Red Hat which is about emotions and feelings. The last hat is the Blue Hat which is like leadership. Blue Hat is usually used in meetings where they are like the head and they have to control the others. Actually the first four hats ( white, black , yellow and green ) is the most important hats. This system is practiced in most of the BIG companies ( those rich and famous ones) Even SONY's Chairman forced all its Managers to read this book. So later on, if you go for a meeting or something and someone tells you to prepare a WHITE, BLACK, YELLOW and GREEN about the meeting, it will be easier to understand and the report will be complete with all the important points. lols :)

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